

The Library provides lots of programs and services for children. Just because you are small doesn't mean you can't do big things at your library! Just look at some of the things you can do...


Get Your Own Library Card

Membership is free! Just come into the library with your parent or guardian to sign up for your own free library card.
Once you have a card, you will be able to sign out books, use the library's computers, do online research, and more...!


Browse the
Children's Collection

The children’s collection is an excellent resource for children of all ages! Find the perfect book and get cozy on our rug for little people.

We have lots of titles to choose from!


Attend Children's
Programs & Special Events

Attend story time sessions each week, and special events throughout the year. Books, crafts, giggles and laughs, what could be better?

Visit our Online Event Calendar »


Join the Annual
TD Summer Reading Club

Summer reading is fun in the program sponsored by the TD bank. Each year a new theme is chosen that is designed to interest and entertain junior readers.

Call the library for details and to register »


Use the Library's
Children's Computer

The Point Alexander Library has a special computer for children! This user-friendly computer has a colourful keyboard, a tiny mouse and a touch screen monitor. It is  loaded with computer programs for early learning and literacy, and was designed for children from preschool to age 9.


Search the Library's
Online Catalogue

The Library has a large collection of children's books, movies, CDs and audiobooks. And now you can search our catalogue online.

To get started on your search, visit our online catalogue »


TumbleBooks: Visit these digital libraries!

Would you like to see your favourite book turned into an action-packed, interactive cartoon? Well, that's just what TumbleBooks and Magic Blox are: talking books! Now you can read animated picture books, read-along books and stream audiobooks!

“Here you will find all kinds of choices: Story books, read-alongs, non-fiction books & videos, graphic novels, books in French and Spanish, puzzles & games and more. Just click on the link, no sign in is necessary.”




(Animals, Science, Health)

The information source for emerging readers! Specifically designed to meet the needs of PreK-3 readers, PebbleGo databases support literacy and build a foundation for a lifetime of learning. Users can click Listen to engage the read-aloud feature and follow along with text-highlighting, and play games or answer the Question of the Day!  Modules include: Animals, Science & Health (Animals includes Dinosaurs). 

Click this link

Search Online Databases

The Library now provides access to several online databases, two of them made just for kids! Have a homework assignment? Working on a project or report? Need information and resources? Login to one of the databases below using your library card number and the easy-to-use picture searches will help you find tons of information. It's like using an encyclopedia on the Internet!


NoveList K-8 Plus

Audience: Kids (Kindergarten-Grade 8).
AccessUse Inside or Outside Library | Sign in with Your Library Card



OverDrive logo


OverDrive for kids

Audience: Kids (Kindergarten-Grade 8).
AccessUse Inside or Outside Library | Sign in with Your Library Card




“EBSCO login is 14 digits beginning with 227140000 and ending with your library number in 5 digits. (##### or 00###)"


Primary Search

Primary Search Contains full-text for popular children's magazines, easy-to-read encyclopedic entries and a vast image collection. Children can learn about a variety of topics, including endangered species, famous musicians, fitness and space exploration.

Primary Search Reference eBook Subscription

Surf the Net KidStyle!

Do you like to surf online? We've compiled some fun sites for kids! But, remember, you must ALWAYS practice online safety.
Before you visit any website, ask your parents for permission! Not sure how to be safe online?

Read My Rules for Online Safety »


Disclaimer: While this website may contain links to third-party sites, the Laurentian Hills Public Library and its web designers are not responsible for the content of any linked sites, including any damages that might result from visiting these pages. We provide these links as a convenience and do not endorse the organizations or contents of any linked sites.

March 6, 2025, 9:58 a.m. News Update banner image

Winter Book Sale

Getting ready for the big winter book sale happening this weekend at the Town of …

Feb. 6, 2025, 10:52 a.m. News Update banner image

Winter 2025 Book Sale

Sat & Sun, March 8 & 9, from 10 until 3 at Point Alexander Library

Feb. 1, 2025, 12:12 p.m. News Update banner image

Geneology Workshops

Beth Adams presents two follow-up sessions to the fall workshop “Introduction to Genealogy”. New attendees …

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